The liver is a miraculous organ in humans. It produces bile, transforms nutrients from your diet, removes toxins from the blood, breaks down fats, alcohol, and medications, regulates hormone and blood sugar levels, stores iron, and does a lot more every day.
Because of this, the majority of health experts advise against waiting for symptoms to appear before waiting for the danger of liver disease. Early detection of liver illness is much preferable. In this article, thus we’ve compiled the top six causes of liver disease to learn more.
Reasons for Liver Disease
Here we have penned down the top five reasons that highly cause liver disease and you must bear the points in mind to prevent liver problems.
#1: The Presence of Toxins
While the liver is in charge of removing toxins from the blood, excessive toxin exposure can be dangerous. The drugs that are most detrimental to the liver are antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and antifungal drugs. Such drugs increase the risk of side effects and obstruct their normal function.
To make sure you’re not digesting pesticides or harmful chemicals, read the warning labels on the drugs you use around the house.
#2: Too Much Alcohol Consumption
Alcoholic fatty liver is a process that can start with as few as four drinks per day for males and two drinks per day for women. It can lead to alcoholic hepatitis, eventual scarring (cirrhosis), and even turn into liver cancer.
By the time you experience symptoms, your liver may already be irreparably damaged. The good news is that fatty liver may reverse itself in those who stop drinking at this time.
#3: Liver Disease History
You can be more susceptible to liver issues if you or a family member has had a liver illness. For instance, hemochromatosis and hepatitis B or C are risk factors for liver cancer. You should be on the lookout for symptoms if a close family has ever had genetic liver diseases such as hemochromatosis, alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency, or Wilson disease.
#4: Liver Infection
The liver can become inflamed due to viruses and parasites, which affects its normal functions. Blood, semen, and even close contact with an infected individual can spread these diseases. The prevention of viral liver diseases, such as Hepatitis A, B, C, and E, necessitates upholding a high standard of hygiene and sanitation.
#5: Chronic Diseases
Illnesses such as obesity, high blood cholesterol level, and diabetes may lead to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. According to health practitioners, the fastest-growing cause of liver transplantation in the world is fatty liver disease. By reducing simple carbohydrates like bread and sugar and increasing your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables, you can reverse it at the “fatty” stage.
#6: Symptoms of Autoimmune System Abnormalities
Despite its rarity, your immune system may occasionally mistakenly target your own body’s cells, harming the liver. Autoimmune hepatitis is the medical term for the condition that occurs when the immune system unjustly targets the liver, causing inflammation. To stop these problems from getting worse, scheduling frequent checkups is suggested.
Wrapping Up
With treatment, a lot of people with liver failure recover. If a transplant is required, the majority of patients return to their regular activities in less than six months. To learn more about liver transplantation, consult with physicians. Therefore, scheduling an annual liver function test may help you stay one step ahead of any liver issues.