Lupus is an autoimmune disease that causes various symptoms, including inflammation, fatigue, skin rashes, hair loss and more. However, lupus can affect people differently, so some can have mild symptoms they may dismiss as something else.
Lupus usually starts to develop in early adulthood, and people with this autoimmune condition can begin to notice symptoms anywhere from their teens to their 30s. In many cases, people can experience a flare of symptoms that seem to subside and go into remission, making it easier to dismiss as a passing virus or other temporary health condition.
The tricky thing about lupus is that it shares many symptoms with other health conditions. This means you can experience many of these symptoms, but it doesn’t mean you have lupus. This is why it makes sense to have a private consultation with Dr Bhadauria in one of his London-based clinics.
What are the symptoms of lupus?
Early symptoms of lupus can be easily confused with other health conditions. Still, if you do experience any of the following symptoms, you should get yourself seen by a doctor that specialises in inflammatory diseases, such as Dr Bhadauria, a consultant rheumatologist.
Early symptoms of lupus can include:
- dry mouth and eyes
- fatigue
- fever
- gastrointestinal problems
- hair loss
- kidney problems
- pulmonary problems
- rash
- swollen joints
- thyroid problems
One of the most common symptoms of lupus is fatigue. Unfortunately, many other inflammatory and autoimmune health conditions list fatigue as a common symptom, so if you are feeling exhausted, have low energy and find it a struggle to get through the day, it doesn’t mean you have lupus.
A sudden unexplained fever is another common symptom of lupus, but many people dismiss this as nothing serious as it tends to be a low-grade fever that they don’t think is worth bothering their doctor with. But if you notice recurrent low-grade fevers, you should check this out with your doctor.
Experiencing hair loss and thinning hair is one of the most noticeable symptoms of lupus. This is caused by inflammation of the skin and scalp. It is common to lose a lot of hair with other health conditions. Still, if you notice thinning of your hair, including thinning of the beard, eyebrows, eyelashes, and other body hair, you should seek a diagnosis to either confirm or rule out lupus.
Getting a private diagnosis for lupus
While you should see your GP if you are experiencing any of these symptoms and are worried that you may have a hidden health condition such as lupus, booking a private consultation can save you a lot of time and worry in obtaining a proper diagnosis.
In most cases, your GP will refer you to a specialist for a more accurate diagnosis if they suspect you may have lupus or another autoimmune health issue. But this can mean waiting many weeks or months to see a specialist.
It makes sense to get a diagnosis for lupus or to have it ruled out as early as possible. You will then be able to access the treatment you need for your condition more quickly, and your outcomes will be more effective.
Why not book a private consultation with Dr Bhadauria and his friendly team today.