COVID-19: Are You at Higher Risk?

The arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 has caused massive disruptions and permanent changes in countless industries worldwide. Rapid antigen tests became a primary requirement to do many things, especially for not yet vaccinated. For example, in the tourism industry, travelers are expected to have a fit-to-fly covid test to board their flights.

But the sector which probably got affected the most is the health industry, with countless hospitals and health experts scrambling to find ways to contain the virus. Almost all health practitioners needed to extend their shifts and risk their lives to help those infected. Medical centers are always at total capacity, forcing authorities to impose lockdowns in an effort to ease the pain of the medical workforce.

For civilians, following the strict guidelines significantly helped in containing the virus. However, numerous mutations of coronavirus have emerged, risking the possibility of another wave. Apart from following the regulations, it is also vital for people to learn whether they are at a higher risk of COVID-19 to help them adequately prepare for it.

Older adults are some of the most vulnerable in getting infected with the COVID-19. As individuals get older, their immune system slowly weakens, making them susceptible to diseases that can impair their capability to fight the virus. Research from Statista showed that more than 93% of COVID-related deaths in the United States are aged 50 and above who are more likely to be admitted to Intensive Care Units when infected.

Pregnant women are also susceptible when infected with the virus. Changes are happening in women’s immune systems when they get pregnant, making them vulnerable to the disease. A study released by the World Health Organization tells those pregnant women who contracted the virus might have premature babies.

To learn more if you are at higher risk of COVID-19, check this infographic from Harley Medic International, a trusted and reliable provider of “Official Rapid Tests” in the UK.
