Finding out paternity is important not only to the adults in the relationship but also to the child. It allows the child to have a secure future if child support is owed, as well as gives the child a right to legal benefits, such as social security and veteran’s benefits.
Another reason why a paternity test is needed is that a child has a right to know their medical background. It is much easier to manage a person’s health when a medical provider is able to look at family history to see if various diseases or health issues run in the child’s genetics.
There are three kinds of paternity tests you may pick from:
- Non-Invasive Prenatal Paternity (NIPP) is a non-invasive prenatal paternity test that is the most accurate non-invasive way to determine paternity before the child is born. The procedure is state-of-the-art, utilizing the most up-to-date technology and proprietorship approaches to maintaining and analyzing the infant’s DNA found naturally in the mother’s bloodstream. This procedure needs just a simple blood collection from the mom and alleged dad and can be completed any time after the 8th week of pregnancy. This type of DNA test is 99.9% correct.
- Amniocentesis is a test performed in the second trimester. It can be completed between the 14th-20th weeks of pregnancy. With this testing, the physician employs ultrasound to place a thin needle into the uterus through your abdomen. The needle draws out a small amount of amniotic fluid to test. Dangers include a slight possibility of hurting the fetus or a miscarriage. Additional side effects might include cramping, leaking of amniotic fluid, and vaginal bleeding. A physician’s approval is required to use this method for paternity testing.
- Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS) is a test that consists of a thin needle or tube that a doctor inserts into the vagina through the cervix, directed by an ultrasound, to find chorionic villi. Chorionic villi are small finger-like bits of tissue affixed to the wall of the uterus. The chorionic villi and the fetus come from the same fertilized egg and share the same genetic makeup. This type of test can be done earlier in gestation, from the 10th-13th weeks. A physician’s approval is required to perform this process for DNA testing.
Many are interested in knowing when a DNA test can be run. At the end of the first trimester, any time after the eighth week with the SNP microarray procedure or during the tenth week with the CVS procedure is when a paternity test can be run. All results must be kept confidential.
Testing a child after birth will not affect their health. There is an increased risk of miscarriage if amniocentesis or CVS are used.
If you would like a DNA test completed, contact Peace of Mind in Clearwater, FL. They can run a paternity test that is fast and accurate. Peace of Mind is recognized as a leader in DNA testing and has helped thousands of clients.